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Vicki Hollywell

Manahautū | General Manager

He mihi nui kia koutou
Ko Pukeariki me Pukeatua ngā maunga
Ko Te Awakairangi tōku awa
Ko Te-Whanganui-a-Tara te moana
No Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Ruanui me Ngāti Tama ngā Iwi
Ko Te Tatau o Te Pō tōku marae
Ko Vicki Hollywell ahau

Vicki has worked for the Trusts since 2007 in various roles over the years. Her current role of General Manager of Hīkoikoi Management Limited means that she is involved in  business activities and the strategic direction of the two landed Trusts including Te Wharewaka o Pōneke.

Vicki’s role is to ensure that the organisation runs efficiently and effectively generating a positive return to our owners. Her driver is to create better opportunities for our people and to ensure that the history of mana whenua is acknowledged and clearly understood in the community.

Vicki is married to Roger, they have 3 sons who attend local kura in the Hutt Valley. Her passion is Cuban dancing, playing hockey and supporting her tamariki in all the activities they have chosen to be involved in.

Ki te kahore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi
Without foresight or vision the people will be lost

  • NZDip Business
  • NZDip Accounting
  • NZDip Management